Travel Training

Travel training is designed to help children and young people from school year 9 and above, up to the age of 25 who have disabilities and special educational needs to build the skills and confidence to travel independently. This could mean using the bus, walking or cycling to get to school, college, work or leisure activities. When choosing a school or college it is always important to think and plan for how you or child will get there. 

Independent travel training is embedded in the support that Preparing for Adulthood Team provide.  The PFA Team works with young people with additional needs aged from Year 9 up to the age of 25.

Other Details


Referral required
Referral Details

Families can self refer by contacting the team in the contact details.   

Other notes

A Travel Coordinator will carry out an assessment, looking at the risks involved with you or your child getting to college independently. 

Local Offer Information

Local Offer Age Bands
11-16 (Secondary school)
14-18 (Transition to adults)
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type
Targeted service
Specialist service

Contact details
